You worship at the feet of a torture victim, and then some guy tells you to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
One of the few times my UU congregation had something resembling Communion, they served raisin bread and apple juice. The latter made me think, "This is my plasma, donated for you . . . "
It involves pretty boys in eyeliner, loud guitars, chocolate, and an endless supply of Fluevogs.
I'd be up for everything but the loud guitars. What's your position on heresy?
I don't even live in Wisconsin, but I'm mad enough to spit.
That's bullshit.
They're supposed to act like legislators, not kids saying "Psych!"
Not that ours are any better.
I don't even live in Wisconsin, but I'm mad enough to spit.
How can they even do that? Isn't that why the Dems left the state, because they couldn't do anything without them?
they couldn't take a budget vote without the dems, so they stripped all the budget elements out of the legislation and just sent through the stuff about collective bargaining. asshats
I'm hoping the outrage over this will result in the pendulum swinging back from all this anti-union, anti-teacher crap. Or maybe this is just one more step in the fuckupification of the US for everyone but the super rich.
In re squirrels - the DC ones are fat and spoiled - the tourists feed them 'cause they're CUTE. There's a group of albino squirrels in Franklin Square that are beyond spoiled - I once had one come up to me, practically sit on my foot, and give me the "hand over the goodies" look. A threatening stomp of my foot didn't even budge him.
And, in related animal news, for Trudy (welcome back!)
They're supposed to act like legislators, not kids saying "Psych!"
That ship sailed some time ago.
They're supposed to act like legislators, not kids saying "Psych!"
At least they didn't say "Sike!"
they stripped all the budget elements out of the legislation and just sent through the stuff about collective bargaining.
Proving the point that the union stuff was NEVER about the budget. EVER. Not that anyone (with a brain) believed that, anyway.