"I have cooties. And I don't want to share." Would that be better?
I've always been a hugger and a toucher by nature. I find I'm less so as I get older. I do try to observe body language and judge if there's a no-touch vibe. With someone in distress I'll ask, "Would a hug make it better, or worse?" before doing as they wish. In my case, if I'm losing my shit, a hug just dissolves the last of my self-control, so no. Thanks, but no. And I find I'm more comfortable if we agree to touch by mutual feinting before actually consumating the gesture. There are people I'll swoop upon, unless I'm fended off, and I take no offense if it's a non-touchy day. But there are just some people I don't want to be hugged or touched by. They're just creepy, whether they mean to be or not, and it's sort of dire feeling the need to find a shower mid-day in a public place.
The squirrels at McGill freaked me out. I got a bad rep as a squirrel kicker, but truth was, I extended my foot very slowly, and THE SQUIRREL SHOULD HAVE MOVED. I am supposed to win. No squirrels were harmed in the making of this story, but my rep got...exacerbated for a bit.
In college, a very mild friend of ours named Ted accidentally rode over a squirrel on his bike, injuring it badly -- how DUMB and SLOW was that squirrel?! Darwinism at work.
He -- he was the epitome of logical, yet not wordly philosophy student, very kind, very non-practical, didn't know you had to keep the shower curtain INSIDE THE TUB kind of philosophy student stereotype -- felt awful and decided it was his moral responsibility to deliver the coup de grace with his bike, to prevent further suffering on the part of Mr. Squirrel.
He did not know how stupid an idea this was, as using a bike as a kind euthenasia device is Not Very Practical.
He came in to the union where we all hung out after that, utterly ravaged and traumatized.
Of course, for the next two years, he received many, many squirrel-related items for birthdays from certain people (not me.)
Poor squirrel, and poor guy. It is awful, but it's wincingly funny if you knew how utterly SWEET he was, and utterly naive and unworldly.
So ita, it could have been worse.
From ages ago . . . this morning, maybe
How do people who use earphones transport them?
My fancy noise-canceling earphones came with a little case that I obsessively keep them in whenever they are not actually in my ears.
"There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate,"
Yeah, someone whose name I've forgotten tweeted something along the lines of, "So is Gingrich being faithful to his current wife, or does he hate America now?"
You know? I am not having a good week.
Mongo car repair bill, I've been without a car all week (actually walked over to Hampden to buy booze today because I could use some, so at least I got a 3 mile walk, right?) and just now I had my laptop running on battery and it shut down after a ridiculously short period of time and is only now recharging. And the condition is Check Battery. Which means the battery is probably getting to the end of its lifespan. At least now it is charging. It was refusing to for a bit. I don't know if maybe it got unplugged during the day (not a first, the cats are the culprits.)
I'm just not in the mood. AT ALL.
things happened in my life that were not appropriate
NO ASSHOLE, YOU CHOSE to do things that were not appropriate. YOU DID. It didn't just "happen." Asshole.
You really aren't having a good week, Sara.
but the bluejays would harass and dive bomb our cat whenever she went outside
Bluejays used to dive bomb my first dog, a collie/husky/spaniel mix, and he learned to snap them right out of the air. Then the cat would eat the bluejay. There was a pile of blue feathers on the deck frequently.
We used to speculate that the Vanderbilt squirrels, isolated on a tree-filled campus surrounded by lethal streets. They had no fear. Once I was between a tree and the garbage can a squirrel was jumping to. The squirrel landed in my cleavage.
2-Storey Snow Sculpture of Batman
Sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you...