For all you non-huggers out there, a Slate piece by someone else who does not appreciate the hugging.
Some of you guys would be very impressed at how far I've come -- when I met my coworker for dinner the other day, I let her hug me with hardly any flinching! (But seriously: We had seen each other like an hour earlier at work.)
::::::::tries to remember if she tried to hug Jesse at Bukowski's::::::nervous:::::::
Bejerano suspects the spines are conducive to monogamy.
I suspect they may be conducive to abstinence.
One loss prevented men from growing penile barbs, which chimps possess. Another enlarged some regions of our brain.
Though actually I see an evolutionary cause and effect from bigger brains and barbless penises: "Let's see, if my dick looks less frightening, I get more attention from the gorgeous cave chicks . . ."
I think we did hug, javachik.... It's fine! I am totally on-board with that author's categories.
You know how Newt Gingrich divorced his first wife when she had cancer and his second wife when she had MS or whatever? Here's his explanation:
There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate,"
Sullivan sez:
On Ash Wednesday, we are reminded that every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. And I don't think the fact of three wives and two divorces should be salient to running for public office. I think the cruelty of two of the divorces is what is at stake. Nonetheless, Gingrich's request for forgiveness is always answered by a loving God if the request is sincere.
But one does not confess sin by finding excuses for it, as above. And it seems to me that someone who has legally had three marriages should not be campaigning against some people being barred from having even one.
Not talking about penile spines...
I am Ginger on neeeeeeding liner notes. I don't care if I've heard the song, I want to check things: length, date written, date recorded, who actualy wrote it, what instruments were used, etc., etc., frakking etc. I tend to listen to albums as a whole, thus my music is still mostly on CD. I have almost none on my computer. I do love Pandora, though. But the cataloging and recordkeeping is nonexistant on Pandora, and it's a random shuffle within a genre, which pleases me. Because I don't get a desire for song, usually, but for an hour of zydeco, or light jazz, or 80s rock. Or ten minutes of R&H before that'senoughofthat and changing the channel.
I'm not good at cataloging my belongings, electronic music files I'm no better at.
BT, you missed your line:
I would marry you.
"Because I'm pretty?"
There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate,"
He blamed patriotism? That's really quite awesome. I can't wait for him to start talking about his warlock brain and how he's on a drug and it's called Newt Gingrich.
"Because I'm pretty?"
Pfft. Like I don't already know the answer to that one.