I love that when I ask the developer if they can make the change Sunday morning, the answer is no. But when I ask the salesperson, somehow it happens.
Looks like if I can get home and be cogent by 10 or so, I can visit the ER my normal night. Thank dog.
Is it wrong that I think squirrels are cute? There is a big fat one that regularly contorts around one of my bird feeders and I just laugh and laugh. I get a lot of birds, too.
Also, may I just share that I made my first rootbeer soda using my new Sodastream? I love it but I could do without the giant fart sound it makes on the third push? It scares the dogs although I think it serves them right.
Hah! My sister was just telling me about those.Her squirrels are putty bad ass though. While we were looking out the window a falcon landed in the tree and commenced to tearing the shit out of something rodent shaped. This squirrel walked right out on the branch to get a better look.
I love it but I could do without the giant fart sound it makes on the third push?
I *always* call it the fart machine!
It's like that one super-fat squirrel by the Vietnam Memorial in Washington that would run up to people expecting to be fed about 14 years ago. His utter lack of fear paid off in lots of popcorn and other treats.
Is it wrong that I think squirrels are cute?
Not at all. You can have mine. They wear bandanas and exchange gang signs while they steal our tomatoes in order to take a bite and then drop the rest on us.
Oh, I am sure mine cause damage. But they're still cute to me. Just like those terrible racoons. I know they're little thieving rascals but I think they're ridiculously adorable anyway.
When I spent a month at the Huntington Library and eating in their outdoor cafe, it wasn't the squirrels so much as the damned sparrows who would dive bomb the table and carry off part of your lunch.
Our squirrels and I have come to an agreement, I give them peanuts and sunflower seeds and they run from the old cd's that are hanging in the peach tree, so we actually get peaches. So far we are at a stalemate over the strawberries.
Ooooh, they're scared of the reflections on the cds? That's brilliant!!