there are pigs? Who knew?
It's explained in the opening animation. Which I guess you haven't seen. But the pigs are
How could you miss that? Plus they laugh when you fail a level. Little green bastard egg-stealing pigs.
I think
Angry Birds' appeal. You have to keep playing to get even after the pigs laugh.
Duh there are pigs, ita! The pigs stole the birds' eggs, that's why they're building protections, and why the birds are launching themselves at the pigs! ;)
Noah did not show me the opening animation. Kat, can you have a word?
Also, I'm not going anywhere near that game. You people sound crazy.
Plots things for Saturday
How many degrees is James Franco getting simultaneously? Because The Poetry Foundation seems to be implying that he's getting an MFA from Warren Wilson (get offa my lawn, Franco)... and I swore I read something about him doing a film masters' while he's studying at Yale.
I read something about him doing both. No idea how.
I love the sounds the birds make. Especially when the red birds say "ouch." Makes me giggle.
Also, I'm not going anywhere near that game. You people sound crazy.
It is kind of... odd, when you think about it. The angry birds are essentially suicide bombers. And why do they need that catapult to launch themselves? They're
for fuck's sake.
I was slingshoting birds at pigs before it was cool.
They're birds, for fuck's sake.
You got some kind of sick bias against flightless birds? You see why I won't join your ranks.
Okay, how can I work out the point of no return for this implementation? I think I need to cheat and ask smaddy.
Franco's at NYU, I'm pretty sure.
On The Daily Show he mentioned classes at Yale.
But multiple degrees aren't uncommon. Almost everyone doing a Masters at the NYU Institute I attended was doing multiple degrees, either Law, Public Administration, or an MBA. And then many Ph.D. were also joint degrees.
ETA: It's totally doable if one thesis/dissertation covers both; extra coursework is the easy part.