I am always a little startled to hear songs I love and haven't heard in a while.
One thing I loved about all the themed playlists (colors, numbers, animals, etc) I used to create for work (when I had time at work to do that) is that it totally forced me to listen to songs I wouldn't think of otherwise.
Why is that when something's desperately important and needs to be done NOW, that's when no one will answer their email or their phone?
I really wanted to punch the hipster couple in the basement stacks of City Lights who were writing down titles to go order online later.
I would have sent you bail money.
I would have driven the getaway car.
on that note: Hipster Disney Villains
Awesome! Adding to my hipster links.
I have enough CDs that every time I think of ripping them to the computer, I lie down until the impulse passes. The main thing I miss about LPs is liner notes. I regret the demise of the album because some albums are so perfect as a whole.
Also, hipster Disney princesses [link]
I have never gotten around to rating songs in iTunes, because I listen to my playlists, everything by a particular artist (but set to Shuffle), or specific albums. Or, sometimes, one particular song over and over and over. (Until Pete snaps and says "There are other songs besides "Last of the Famous International Playboys", you know".)
The most useful smart playlist I have plays anything with 3 stars or more and omits anything I've labeled with "language" for work situations.
huh. How many degrees is James Franco getting simultaneously? Because The Poetry Foundation seems to be implying that he's getting an MFA from Warren Wilson (get offa my lawn, Franco)... and I swore I read something about him doing a film masters' while he's studying at Yale. Is there more than one James Franco? And more importantly, does he have Joe's teleporter?