I can fast forward through.
My musical listening life is designed to avoid the FF button.
the point is, I apparently still think of the entire album as a unit, filler songs and all
Most Prince, some Maxwell, some Alice Cooper, and DMB. Otherwise it's all picky choosy. One of my favourite CDs mixes songs from one to the next, and I absolutely despise it. How dare they dictate to me??? Who do they think I am?
I was organizing my giant CD wallet last night. Pretty album covers! The cases are kind of a pain, though.
I still have an overstuffed bookshelf of CD cases in my bedroom. I cannot part with them. I feel *really* leery about buying video on iTunes. It doesn't seem real enough.
OMG, I've been on the phone three hours, and I have another half hour to go, minimum.
Pretty album covers!
One of the reasons I miss LPs being the most common format. (The other is being able to force your younger brother to get up, go over to the stereo, and flip the album over. Good times.)
Album art isn't the same in 4 x 4 inches (or whatever the exact measurements are).
t starts timer to see how long before someone posts the exact measurements of a CD insert
I buy CDs when possible so I have a backup, because I'm certain my hard drive will crash and I'll lose all my music if it's just stored there.
ok, so it was the thing that was NOT applying for a job, BUT STILL! It is over 2 months late and I just did the hard part!!!
I should also mentioned that I walked mac to school this morning, so that was 30 minutes of exercise. TAKE THAT bad chemicals in my head, I will FORCE endorphins on you.
I buy CDs when possible so I have a backup, because I'm certain my hard drive will crash and I'll lose all my music if it's just stored there.
Right now my main library is on my Linux box, in my iPod, and on my Apple TV. This had better be sufficient.
I still have an overstuffed bookshelf of CD cases in my bedroom. I cannot part with them.
JZ got rid of the CD cases and now we can't sell those CDs to Amoeba. But the whole used market in CDs is starting to collapse.
I'm only getting a fraction of what I used to get for selling my CDs back. A bag of CDs that used to get me $80 will only get me about $24 now.
Even though Amoeba is still packed with customers, it seems inevitable that it will close in the next five or six years.
On that subject of the loss of brick and mortar stores, I really wanted to punch the hipster couple in the basement stacks of City Lights who were writing down titles to go order online later.
Right now my main library is on my Linux box, in my iPod, and on my Apple TV. This had better be sufficient.
I have all my music on my MacBook Pro and on my Time Machine backup disk. However, I should really get some offsite backup in case my apartment building burns down or whatever.
We tend to listen to satellite radio at home. I have an iPod deck at work and switch between random playlists and artists and specific CDs, because I'm changeable like that.
I wish I could listen to music more at work but my brain won't let me. I get most of my new music these days from music club hosted at my friends' bookstore. I feel bad i have nothing much to offer but, dag, I've learned a ton!
I get most of my new music by going through music blogs that focus on particular era or genres.