Permanent pause makes me twitchy. I want the song to be STOPPED. Reset. Back to the beginning. Don't just sit there one second before the end of the song for all eternity. Ergh.
Not that you mention it, that bugs me too. I had thought at first I just didn't know how to stop it.
I almost always listen to full albums.
I do this when I'm working, usually. And I still listen to CDs! Right on my laptop.
But I make my own playlists for the most part.
I replace cars only when they are beyond hope. I am not the sort of person who replaces a car voluntarily, never have been.
This is me! I'm only on my 2nd car. Living in places, Boston & SF, where I didn't need a car helped. I got my first car (an '86 Corolla in 1995) when I moved to NC for grad school. I've had my current car (a '99 protege) for 10 years. It's got over 165,000 miles on it now and I'm definitely having those cost to fix vs cost to replace conversations when things go wrong. So far, knock wood, it keeps running on.
When you choose the next song(s) to be played when you're on Shuffle.
How is that shuffle? You're violating the entire principle!
I almost always listen to full albums.
But you might still have to listen to a sucky song! Alternately, who still buys albums? (uh, me, but apparently some of the Lifehacker commenters didn't get that)
Don't just sit there one second before the end of the song for all eternity. Ergh.
You're totally making me look sane here.
When you choose the next song(s) to be played when you're on Shuffle.
I had forgotten how that worked. The iTunes DJ does exactly this.
How is that shuffle? You're violating the entire principle!
Sometimes you want to hear specific songs! And then hear random songs afterward!
Alternately, who still buys albums?
I buy albums all the time. I like CDs. I was organizing my giant CD wallet last night. Pretty album covers! The cases are kind of a pain, though.
Well, and that's the thing. I am a subscription sort of person. It used to be the legal Napster, and now it's Rhapsody, but I don't buy anything anymore, really. I buy rights. So then I'm only limited by my bandwidth, and I download bunches of stuff by album.
I think it's partially the old school musician thing, where the album and the song order and the arc was all a thought out thing, you know? Like, how long the pauses are between songs was thought about. Not that I get that effect still, playing mp3s, but the point is, I apparently still think of the entire album as a unit, filler songs and all. If I'm really annoyed by it, I can fast forward through.
Plus there are albums like
The Hazards of Love
where all the songs run into each other.
At home I often have iTunes playing all day when I'm sitting at my computer. That's been quite a bit more in the past two weeks that I've been off work and programming the heckout of my homework. Or, you know, playing stupid Facebook,j