That includes a special smartlist that picks up on all the non-starred songs that I've played more than once and keeps popping them up every other day until I get around to rating them.
Right now I'm going through everything that's tickyboxed, because I don't want to only listen to new stuff--I like the variety of favourites popping up randomly. But I'm making sure to rate everything that comes across the wire. Which will take approximately forever. But I've already found so many great songs I'd forgotten I had for one reason or another.
It never occurred to me to rate a song in iTunes! Why would I?
Most of my playlists are smartlists based on ratings and some other criterion. So I have playlists by decade and rating, for instance--everything 1980-1989 three stars or over. So it's on me to make sure those stars are accurate. I'll also listen to, for instance, "Good Prince" or "Good Reggae" or whatever.
I don't even know where my iPod is.
How do you listen to music????
Blastr posted this clip from a 1973 Star Trek Con.
I don't listen to music, except classical on Pandora at work when someone is talking and I need to concentrate.
I listen to music in the car. Sirius or CDs. There's an iPod dock in the car, which I thought would be great, but I've never bothered to even make a playlist, and the random shuffle would annoy me... yeah. I don't listen to music much.
Actually, I only really use my iPod in the car. At home I'm more likely to use Pandora. Otherwise I'd never hear anything new. Also, I can't work out how to connect my iPod to my Chumby. Though it is supposed to work.
iPods in cars are great for long road trips, so you don't have to swap CDs while driving.
I've never rated anything in iTunes, either, Lisa. You're not alone.
Sara, bummer about the car. Mine has 160K on it and I'm still dithering, even with a super shiny 1.4% loan offer from BofA on what to do next. I haven't decided if I am keeping the Forester as the dogmobile and getting a little commuter/city car or if I am trading in for one car. Usually it doesn't take me this long to make a decision. Part of my problem is that pain is not conducive to energy for test-driving. And I need to do some test-driving.
I don't even listen to my music at the gym, it's a pain having to mess with earbuds.