Am I the only one surprised by the fact that flea's hair is long enough for a pony tail? I know that I've been skipping and skimming, but now I really feel like I've missed a lot.
I think DJ has the right answer, although I might soften it by saying " be touched or poked as a greeting. I'd appreciate it if you could just say, "Hi, flea!" from now on.
to be touched or poked as a greeting
This lady sounds like she'll be grabby hands at any opportunity. I wouldn't imply to her that sometimes it's okay to touch, because that just leaves 90% of the time.
I think it would bother me less if I didn't have small kids - I am so overtouched at home that I can't take it at work. But she's a bit of a depressive, and a single woman, and I suspect she is under-touched in her life. Possibly I am being condescending to think so; but at least I have boundaries enough not to tell her to get a cat for cryin' out loud.
My hair is SO LONG, like shoulder length, and I need to decide what to do about it. I am thinking about cutting it all off again, really short. But I grew it out because that was too harsh-looking on me.
But she's a bit of a depressive, and a single woman, and I suspect she is under-touched in her life.
Even if that's true (or perhaps especially) it's highly inappropriate for her to compensate that at work without some sort of understanding.
Oh, god, my hair is so long, y'all. It actually curls. My barber just sent out a mass text that she's out of hospital. Uh? Seizures? What?
I have a problem with iTunes. It needs more stars. I am trying to go through and rate everything, but I need more categories. I currently have:
- []-not yet rated
- [*]-don't want to hear it again
- [**]-okay, if you're playing the whole album
- [***]-well, this is nice
- [****]-oh, hey, this rules!
- [*****]-you don't understand, I fucking love this song
I need a rating that says "play this again and I will cut you, but I'm too obsessive completist to delete it" and one that says "BEST FUCKING SONG EVER FUCK." Where do I send the suggestion?
play this again and I will cut you, but I'm too obsessive completist to delete it
That's what the tickybox is for in iTunes.
I am a toucher but only with people who want to be touched. DJ has the right idea.
Don't feel like you have to make allowances for her just because she is depressive, single and potentially under-touched. Your need for personal space and a touch-free zone at work is no less important.
I don't think I've ever seen you with anything but short hair, flea.
That's what the tickybox is for in iTunes.
No, the tickybox is to say "I might still really like you, but you don't belong in a random song rotation." My unchecked stuff still gets starred--it's just mostly spoken word.
Also, it is (or was) possible to rate songs in iTunes in half-star increments.
eta: How to do this with a Mac: [link]
it's just mostly spoken word.
That's what the genre field is for.