Last night one of our dogs REALLY wanted to be let out at 2am, so we did. We let the pups back in and 10 minutes later, she wanted to go outside again. The DH said, Hell with it, they can stay outside--which is fine, they have beds and water out there. The DH went back to sleep for the night.
However, our cat Zorro did not like His Personal Dogs! Outside! At Night! He walked between the back door and our bedroom yowling at this break in the time-space continuum for several minutes, until I got up and let the dogs back in. Then I had to spend 15 minutes petting him so he could recover from the trauma.
I will never forgive Peanuts for spoiling Citizen Kane for me.
In the chapter of my film project where the film in focus is CK, the author goes on about the mystery for several pages without spoiling it, which I thought was cool, but then he does. Dude, just say it already in the beginning, or don't say it at all.
Hey, Theo, is this job opening at Ravelry of interest to you? [link]
so she wants to bait the trebuchet and fling the squirrels out of the yard.
bwahahahaha. OMG we need one of these. And, Gud, your wife is awesome.
My new pattern is waking up at 3:00 am, and then not being able to get back to sleep until 5:30.
I've been doing this, too! But only after falling asleep on the couch somewhere around 8 or 9 pm. It sucks, big time.
But the thing about Rosebud is it doesn't really matter - it's not like knowing it's a sled is going to change how you watch the movie, you know?
On the other hand, Luke is Leia's brother.
Gud, trebuchet! That trumps the existence of the "honey-do" list.
sara, might it be worth it to get a new car? If the repairs are expensive and there's the possibility that more crap could go wrong in the future, it might make sense to find something newer.