Cashmere, I will pay for your ticket to Texas. And for a ticket out of there for the 11 year old they are victim blaming. Hulk, smash, etc.
Cute doggie! Floppy ears!
My DH called this morning. He took our dog to the park, and she did her usual thing and headed straight for a mud puddle. When he brought her home he told me she walked straight into the bathroom and put her paws up on the tub in anticipation of the bath she knew she'd be getting.
This is when I prefer news about The Bieber's haircut.
This. I'm sorry, but I just can't.
This is not on.
As someone who let that kind of pattern go on for far too long, I strongly urge you to talk to a doctor about this if you can't turn it around on your own in a matter of a couple weeks, since it has been going on long enough that you have noticed there is a pattern.
Ah, I'm a member of that club, I have the t-shirt around here somewhere.
That pattern is my sleep life, and I would like to medicate it away, thanks. Because obviously I have given up on an actual cure for my sleep shit. God, last night was awful.
lisah? Have any recs?
Do they love coffee, possibly? I'd say a Zeke's gift cert if so. If not, I don't know if Hamilton Tavern does gift certs but that's a good option if they do. Yummy and reasonably priced and in your hood, basically.
Do they work over near where you do? If so, Charmingtons!
I've decided to take some vacation which I haven't done in... quite a while.
I need to do some cleaning, replace the dishwasher, build a trebuchet, build a DVR, change the oil in the cars, and hopefully get in some writing.