Oh, poor Mister Kitty! My co-worker is also going through the worries of having a 19-y.o. cat, who just got her teeth cleaned (she showed me the before and after pic, and the tartar that built up over six months was horrific!).
I managed an average lap speed of just under 55s. For 48 laps. WOOOHOO. It was definite work, though. I usually average 57s.
Wow! My lap time is more like twice that, especially my backstroke. And in yesterday's swim, I was definitely slowing down after I got past my 20th lap.
You guys got chatty while I was out at derby practice!
Cashmere - OMGWTFAsshat. Is there a jumpstarter or crowdsource charity for need-to-replace-stolen-boyscout-funds?
The Council will give us some free popcorn to sell to make some money ($700). It'll help. It doesn't stop us from doing our local stuff so the kids are still having fun.
I wonder if they ever find out I'm an atheist if they'd toss us out or if it just takes embezzling to get kicked out.
Why do I wake up early on days I cannot leave until 9? I'd be at work by 8 if I had my car....
I've been awake since 5 -- couldn't get back to sleep. Haven't accomplished much of anything so far.
There seemed to be a conspiracy of cats and smoke alarm batteries trying to keep me from sleeping last night. In the end I won, but it feels like I lost.
I took a long shower, I dawdled, I've made my lunches for the rest of the week.
looks at clock
Gronk. Do not want to go to work today. But I've got an important meeting from 9 - 1 that I need to be really on the ball for.
What the hell, brain? Yesterday I had an awesome review (according to my boss I got the highest rating in our group), very nice bonus, and raise to come. (Not that I know what it is, since the system is fucked.) Today I wake up groggy and tense from one of those nasty failing-on-a-critical-project dreams. Ugh.
My new pattern is waking up at 3:00 am, and then not being able to get back to sleep until 5:30. I need to wake up at 6:00.
This is not on.
Well, I've wiped down the stove and counters and washed my front door.
We had a recent conversation about rape victims getting blamed. Check out the quotes. But only if you want to get REALLY pissed off.