I feel like $3K over time wouldn't actually get you much in the way of hookers and blow, but what do I know?
Also, OMG PEOPLE why is my 15 minutes of involvement in this "crisis" taking hours and hours? Because you people are doing other shit instead of just doing this! I am going to kill someone.
Cash, didn't something like that already happen to you? Or was it someone else around here? WTH, people?
I failed at doing any tasks today. Did not even leave the house as planned. I did stuff, but none of it towards getting a job. poop.
I work with a Vlad, but he looks like a Vlad.
I had no idea that Vlad was such a popular name.
No onerous tasks accomplished. Except a performance review but that was a) non-avoidable and b) not onerous.
I got through to a level 2! Now on hold.
After having the fatigue get better for a few days, it seems to back. Anything but sitting in a chair and closing my eyes is an onerous task. And the rest of my symptoms never went away. I've been sick since the 24th. I think I'm going to have to go the doctor. (Freaking 1,000 deductible makes going to the doctor for anything not obviously life and death something I'm relunctant to do.) (And 1,000 deductible was the lowest deductibe plan available to me. freakin insurance companies.)
I used to work with a Vlad and he...kind of looked like a Vlad I guess? He sounded like a Vlad and was adorable!
I think anyone who gives me a good suggestion for my query above should be able to claim that they completed an onerous task for the day.