If I could eviscerate him with a rusty Swiss Army knife, yeah. It's going to be a long process trying to get him to fork it over. He's already bounced a $1K check twice trying to pay us back. At this point, it's a criminal matter and the state council will have to deal with it.
But we still have to cope with not being able to even pay a deposit on summer camp for our boys at this point.
Not as bad as stealing food from orphans, but that's still some pretty bad karma.
He's already bounced a $1K check twice trying to pay us back.
You walk him to the bank and have him withdraw it. Preferably with the police.
Hivemind suggestions wanted for a name for J's trans-Tahoe (that's Lake Tahoe) relay (swimming, duh!) team.
Pertinent facts:
swim length is 11 miles
all teams have 6 members
this team is 3 guys/3 girls
guys are 40ish
girls are 30ish
all members are tri-athletes
all live in SF proper
Onerous Task round-up: called into two different meetings, reassured a writer that I will step in and be BadCop Editor if he needs, sent email about a convention, sent my agent the proposal and sample chapters for the YA project I've been working on.
I've got my surgery scheduled for Monday afternoon. I'm now just waiting to hear back from my dad if he'll be available to take me over to Evanston.
Turns out that one of the old den leaders embezzled $3K of our popcorn money and our pack is broke.
Holy crap! SHEESH! PEOPLE!
Onerous task is onerous! I found the insurance cards no problem. I found the old registration renewal notice, so I have all the relevant numbers. But trying to do it online, they don't recognize my registration. It's probably actually my drivers license they don't recognize, but whatevs, they don't recognize my company EIN either. So I called them, and you know how I feel about calling people. Many times because "circuits were busy" and finally got through to someone, who transferred me to someone, who rolled to voicemail. Fail. I'm trying again now, but the onerouser this gets, the crankier I am at the intern. His legacy just will not quit. We gave him the form, told him to sticker the van and put the registration in the glovebox. He stickered the van, so as not to get pulled over himself, but the registration is nowhere to be found.
Cashmere - OMGWTFAsshat. Is there a jumpstarter or crowdsource charity for need-to-replace-stolen-boyscout-funds?
Lisah, have you heard anything about the Fells Pt. effort to connect with Ireland on the war of 1812 POWs? There's a whole movement afoot, memorial planned, stuff. I forget what city - I'd say Kinsale, but that's what I thought it would have been and it wasn't.