At exactly onerous task time, I began onerosity by getting pulled over. Oops. There had been a semi that was going pretty much the same speed as me on cruise control. He finally decided to pass me, and then saw the cop radaring people, so pulled back into my lane quite close to me. I was still on cruise control, so I just kinda let him.
And then after a little while, the cop rolls up behind me and pulls me over. I was all what? since I knew I wasn't speeding, but no, he pulled me over for tailgating. Which I totally was. Just too lazy to pull off cruise control, tap the brakes for a bit and get to a reasonable following distance. I figured he'd pull away eventually. But no, the cop was totally right to pull me over.
And then I couldn't find current registration and insurance. But he let me off with only a warning, so I was lucky. But the SO was asleep when it happened, woke up when I hit the rumble strip pulling off, so he's going to be alarmed at sleeping while I drive for another good while.
Totally onerous. But he was right, and he let me off easy.
So among the other onerous tasks remaining for the day (overdue report, freaking laundry pile, prep house for work guests next week) I now have: figure out where the hell the intern put the current registration, and find the current insurance cards.
Responsibility is hard.