Perkins is there a time today I can call or IM with you about the bugs?
Thanks for the encouragement people.
Suzi, glad you got it, sorry I forgot to include a note.
Jesse, there is a to-do list and I am ignoring it. I may need to up meds to get me out of this, not sure.
Sounds like it couldn't hurt, really. I mean, right?
Perkins, do you sleep with clothes on? Because if you do, you'd generally see bedbug bites on your arms, neck and other exposed areas.
Also, bedbug bites often appear in groups of three in a line ("breakfast, lunch and dinner") as a single bedbug often will bite more than once in a night.
A friend of mine was told by pest control people she had bedbugs. Her house was treated. For months afterwards she thought she was still getting bitten, despite the fact we couldn't find any other evidence of the little bastards. Finally she saw a dermatologist, who told her the marks on her skin were not bug bites, but some sort of skin condition.
Urp. Performance review coming up. Wish me luck.
Good luck Brenda!
We got the construction mess cleaned up and DH and I are going to faculty meeting on Wednesday to share our concerns, which our main teacher requested as a way to drive home the need to clean up to the jr high teacher. Apparently, folks have been trying to deal with this since the fall. I understand this, but I'm still having trouble with the fact that the stuff has been out there for so long, I never saw it, and the folks who did thought it should be cleaned up, but didn't do more than say so. Tradgedy of the commons anyone? I'm glad it wasn't worse.
Yes, Brenda - you will rock.
Also, Viggo and a pony.
Good luck, brenda!
I did my stupid Onerous Task! Still not sure why it was so onerous. Well, in part I do -- it was so late, it was almost embarrassing. But now it's done!
Good luck, Brenda!
Perkins, I hope it's not the BBs.
My third grade teacher passed away. She was 93. Her last name? Longyear. She was a tough, old bird and a great teacher.