All the oatmeal chat yesterday reminded me to set up the crockpot for oatmeal, so I had oatmeal with raisins and walnuts and a little bit of maple syrup, and a teaspoon of brown sugar with low-fat milk for breakfast. Nom.
Once again I did not get up early enough to go to the gym before work. To be fair, when I go to the gym before work it takes a lot more organization than going after work, because I have to bring my breakfast and plan my clothing without seeing it in the mirror (so no way to correct any fashion errors).
Happy Monday, everyone.
Happy Casimir Pulaski Day!!
I got here early enough to go down to the cafeteria and get a modified Denver omelet (no onions, very little cheese), which I then split with the receptionist. I also got a bunch of compliments on how skinny I'm looking from various people passing by the front desk while I was chatting with her--yay! I put on the smaller-sized jeans I just started wearing last week so I'd look thinner at the bariatric support group meeting tonight, and it's paying off here, too.
My perspectives are way skewed, because I'm in mid-pout due to "only" having lost three pounds last week, instead of my usual five. I was going to skip my swim tonight since I'm going to that meeting, but I'm going to squeeze it in just to burn off some calories and get me moving and maybe make up a few of those two extra pounds this upcoming week.
The cafeteria has some good food on their menu this week for lunch. Turkey meatloaf today, New Orleans food tomorrow (the choices are chicken gumbo, chicken & shrimp jambalaya, cajun catfish, a muffalatta, and a chicken po boy--I'll go for the jambalaya), Indian food on Wednesday, beef stew on Thursday, and Southwestern chicken on Friday. I'm not going to bring in my own food at all this week.
Speaking of clicks and such, I absolutely loved Hayden's review of the Celebrity Apprentice linked in Press. I can't watch that show, for fear of my soul, but he's fallen on the grenade in a hugely entertaining way. Good on ya, mate.
Thanks! I was dreading the assignment, but the show is a trainwreck of amazing proportions. A Titanic of trainwrecks.
It was highly entertaining, Hayden!
Question for the math-oriented folk: if someone says "decrease the size of this graphic by a factor of 2" what does mean, in terms of percentage of the original size? I just shrank it 80%, but I'm not sure that's right.
daytime tv alert for Jesse, Bobby Brown on The View - tragicness.