I feel particularly helpless in Utah, where anything that involves public money or dealing with the federal government is evil and should be stopped. And Utah apparently has one of the highest federal-dollars-received-vs-taxes-paid ratios in the country. I suppose Utah doesn't need those freeways. Or a regulated airport and railroads. And and and.
Ah, well, back to work.
I'll talk to people, but I'm not watching political tv, reading political blogs, etc. Daily Show and Wait Wait are plenty.
That, too, DJ.And I literally don't know who I'd be if I wasn't angry anymore.
What will happen once Taylor Momsen is no longer really young?
Keep styling herself after Courtney Love, G-d help us all?
I've never heard any of her music, either, but I keep wanting to hold her up as an example of
Babybat, you're doing it wrong.
I think I have a crush on my luggage.
In re my annual review--well that could have gone better, and it could have gone worse. It was fair, but I'm still miffed about one point. Someone please tell me to just let it go, because there's no way I can change it.
If the Fembot performed basic cleaning duties, I would be interested. Our robot vacuum never did work correctly.
Of course nothing compares to Buffy-bot.
We have our annual Boo at the Zoo tonight. Safe-Halloween fun at the local zoo for kids. I'm taking the boy (dressed up as a baseball player), but the daughter has come down with cold/flu that hit all of us the last two weeks and has spent the day at home with the wife.
Deep breathing and chocolate, MFN.
Serenity Now, Maria! Or whenever you can get to it, being a little miffed might be perfectly reasonable. Glad the review was generally fair.