The winds will maintain a sustained speed of 35 to 40 mph, and may gust to 55 mph or more. They will be most severe north of Interstate 88, particularly along the Wisconsin border, Kleist said.
Well, joy. My commute is just gonna suck, isn't it? Wonder if my room will flood again tomorrow.
Yes! It always seemed to be saying "I am the NICEST!"
poquito is the cutest pig ever.
do people have recs on eyebrow pencils or fillers?
So, on my way out of work today, there was someone waiting for the elevator I was getting out of. I gave her the nod-and-smile I give people I recognize because we are coworkers, but don't really know. Yeah, no. She wouldn't recognize me, because she's the host of the local public-affairs show. Oh well -- I guess it's still better to be friendly than not.
I'm intrigued. Anybody ever made tomato jam?
I don't know from tomato but I am eating fig and garlic jam right now and it is awesome. Would probably be really good on a sandwich.
(I'm having it with Roaring Forties cheese - guess why? - and Bitch Bubbly. Then we're headed here [link] for dinner.)
Sounds like an excellent birthday, brenda!!
I prefer a mascara-ish gel (I use MAC's auburn shade) but mostly for shaping and control, no filling.
Smashbox has a good selections of colors, and people love it. It's a split, with powder on one side, and wax on the other.
I am going as Zombie Apocolypse Velma for Halloween, but am having trouble finding a red skirt in my size, and orange knee socks. I wish I could afford a large stuffed Scooby, because I would SO make Dan make a zombie hand to put in its mouth.
I am entirely unaffected by most sports, and liked the LotR movies and read the books (which dragged, even though I mostly enjoy baroque world-building and Very Large Books.)
do people have recs on eyebrow pencils or fillers?
A matte eye shadow that's close to your hair color, applied with a flat angle brush. Biorequiem has a tutorial that shows the same method: [link]
allright I got something off Sephora - thanks for the recs and thanks bon bon for the 20% off notice. My eyebrows are really thing toward the end until I fill, but I also want to really shape them more. From this picture, [link] how much of an arch do people think would look good?