Tip of the day: do not wear a v-neck while baling hay.
Ha. Good to know.
Yesterday I spilled granola into my bosom through the keyhole opening in my keyhole shirt. Remember when we all bought those? Yeah, still love it. Except for the bit where it's a handy food storage compartment.
Managed to finish cleaning and swim and some minor shopping, but not much else today. Wine last night was good, but something (and I suspect that, I try to be sparing with red wine for a reason) left my stomach grumpy, which left for little motivation. At least no one barfed in the pool and I was able to do my two miles.
Neighbor is having her sewer line cleaned out. She has to do this about once a year, so she put in an external cleanout because then the city does it for free. I haven't had that problem (I think our tree sits on her line) but I fear it might happen, and don't really want to need to spend several $K to put one in. I think my warranty might cover it.
Hay baling and blacksmithing? Have we snapped back in time?
I...I drew today. With a pencil. It was very retro.
I made an apple crisp. Does that count?
I made beer. I'm not sure that's "old-fashioned" so much as "ya damn hippie".
Hey, I had a blacksmith at the bar after work! It was nummy. There was a blacksmith once at First Night in Concord, NH who said, while brandishing his fiery poker thingy, that if we gave him a quarter, he'd lick it. Wow, there's a whole lotta innuendo in there!
The hay thing wasn't as fun as the first time I'd done it, on a camping trip where we ended up helping an old farmer next to our tent site and wound up camping for free on his land and getting midnight boatrides on the lake and blackened eggs in the morning and salt cured bacon.
The new Sherlock Holmes is about to air here. Anyone else going to be watching?
So very much. Many times.
Hmm. I went to a farm stand. I bought so sort of weird bright red squash. The guy running the stand couldn't remember what it was called, but he said it tasted good, so I figured I'd try it. Also got a cauliflower and some green tomatoes.
I can barely hold myself up to type, I am so tired from my weekend of blacksmithing.
Very nifty!
The new Sherlock Holmes is about to air here. Anyone else going to be watching?
Recording it as I type this.