Nice zombie manicure, Teppy.
It was really, really easy. I'm excessively pleased with it.
Speaking of the gym, I am proud to report that I can now do 2 sets of 12 deadlifts at 95 pounds, or 2 sets of 6 at 115.
That is awesome, Anne! I've read through most of that book, and I need to actually start doing the program. Do you lift twice a week, or 3 times?
I picked up my small camera, and then I put it down to find the doohickey. Finally! I found the doohickey. Where is the camera?
I fell back to sleep after about half an hour, and then I slept in!
I made apple/pear butter the other day and it is so nom
That sounds delish!! I love apple butter, and adding pears would be awesome.
I fell asleep on the couch around 11:00 last night, woke up at 3:00 am, and then was starting to feel sleepy again at 6:00, just when I had to get started with my laundry to get it done before leaving for class. Soooo sleepy right now. We're on break, and will be going over the take-home midterm in an hour. It's due next week, but he's giving us today to ask him any questions/clarifications about it, since he's going to be out of town during the week for a funeral.
Teppy, I usually go three times per week, but if a crazy schedule means I only go twice, so be it.
Turns out I quite sensibly put it back in the camera closet. Oyveh. I can't work the self timer on that little thing, and the battery on the grand beastie needs charging. Don't wanna wait! But it has a remote control, so it's much simpler.
Teppy, I usually go three times per week, but if a crazy schedule means I only go twice, so be it.
Do you also do any kind of cardio? Either on the weights days or otherwise?
If it's a Rangers vs. Giants World Series, I win either way! Even though I don't even care!
C'mon, Giants! Win it for P-Cow's indifference!
JZ just crawled out of bed fully begronked.
Matilda was up at 6:30. I gave her a bowl of cereal, parked her in front of the Teen Titans and went back to bed.
But now both kids have been fed, and I'll be taking Emmett to Krav shortly.
Then the Giants game, whenever that's happening.
OMGTraffic. Apparently, today is Morgan State's homecoming or something. Had a helluva time getting to Target, and then lines there were insane. In continuing opposites-day, a woman complimented my barely brushed, pinned back hair, and there was no line at TJs.
And now I'll go clean house.