so it's building up in your system and you are inadvertently overdosing yourself, which can FUCK YOU UP
Back in the late '80s/early '90s, my grandma got sucked in by a TV ad for some supposedly super-excellent vitamins that will cure all your sickness. She took them just like she was supposed to, and there were a lot of them, until she had what appeared to be a stroke. It took the doctors two days to figure out that what she actually had was a case of vitamin overdose--turns out that the vitamins she was taking were building themselves up in her organs until her body couldn't handle anymore.
I've never told my husband I am jealous when he gets to take a justified Vicodin. EVER.
HMOG I'm tired. Got to our setup space at 9:15. Stuff didn't start arriving until after 11. What should have taken maybe two hours for me took...7, I guess, and I still need to do stuff in the morning.
I have dinner plans, too, but my back hurts and my head hurts and it will be hard to make myself move. Worth it, but hard.
I've yet to find a pain med that works on anything but cramps that doesn't also fuck my head up. The search continues.
you're not screaming and rolling on the floor, so how painful can it be?
Welcome to my ER battle. If I cry, I'm a junkie drug-seeking. If I don't cry, it's not that bad. Fuck you, I've had this headache since Tuesday. I've had to slog through my normal life since then. I've been sitting in a darkened room trying to stay awake by reading on and off, and your nurse just left the light on, and I don't have it in me to get up and turn the light off. Fuck you. Now I really want to cry.
I hate that floaty feeling. Hate.
I hate the floaty feeling too.
Apparently we are having some...uhm weather in Texas. [link]
Apparently we are having some...uhm weather in Texas. [link]
Skyrockets in flight / Afternoon T-storms delight
Woman Drove Around With Corpse For Close to a Year
Here's a local news station asking the police chief of Costa Mesa, California how the car owner dealt with "the overwhelming stench." (Answer: Her father regularly pooped in the car, so she was "immune to the smell.")
Huh. And another huh.