Is she in New York? She should be getting a blow out twice a week that should cut down on the stuff that takes the most time.
I was going to say, if she's injuring herself so often curling her lashes, she's doing it wrong.
And this.
On the flip side, I don't think 45-75 minutes sounds that long.
Also, I didn't read the original post.
Did you read the whole post? It's totally "It's hard out there for a lawyeress."
I think it's hard out there for women whose careers depend at least partially on how they present themselves.
I have naturally very curly, very frizzy hair. For it to be any kind of tame, I'm looking at at least 30 minutes (I don't do that now, because I don't have clients). I have giant boobs that are even gianter on period days, so sometimes even my go to outfits aren't going to work. Pre any make up I tone, put anti-oil, moisturizer, eye-cream, primer, and even out (had to start this when my skin got all mottled while I was preggers).
All that ends up being a lot of work that men don't have to do, and money they don't have to spend.
My university is self-insured, so it is actually them raising the rates.
So basically they raised the rates because of peer pressure. Or rather, because everyone else was doing it, they figured they could, too.
Wow, that IS totally BS. Fuckers.
I have naturally very curly, very frizzy hair. For it to be any kind of tame, I'm looking at at least 30 minutes
That Jezebel article about the hair-straightening thing that has insane levels of formaldehyde -- there were quite a few comments that in "the professional world" (I don't remember if they specified which profession and/or which part of the country) having wavy/curly hair is seen as Not Professional.
I honestly don't know how true that is, but I can see it being an issue among professions where client interaction is an important part of the job, like DJ said.
Y'all need to see Chris Rock's documentary "Good Hair". It's insane.
Also, I take 25 minutes, including shower. And, it shows!
having wavy/curly hair is seen as Not Professional.
It can be curly or wavy, but has to look tamed, which is often just as much work, if not more.
Basically this is ok [link] This is not [link]
I think that's a bit overstated, as far as how much work you have to put in to be an average associate. It probably took me 40 mins to get ready in the morning, and most senior associates at my firm were not that well put together (which I think was kind of an office uniform).
I think what's aggravating is that it is very true that for women generally, it is certainly a more intensive process. And for some women considerably so. If she'd left it at that and not gone into what really is a pretty ridiculous sounding regimen and framing it as not just normal but required, the reactions would have been a lot different.
I second the recommendation for "Good Hair".