Jesus Christ, did his great-grandma bone THOR?
Well, he is blond and blue-eyed and owns several hammers. Back in the day, he had long hair that he braided into his beard. Ah, the '70s in California in the Forest Service. I so wish I had pictures of him then.
Ha! All the lead paint docs I need to read are in PDF form and I'm on my iPhone. Time to go read some Inception fic!
I'd have assumed "from the cat convert" included it.
Clearer, to me, would be "From AFTER the catalytic converter to the tailpipe would need to be replaced."
I will pretty much always ask "inclusive?" after any "from A to B" statement. Which doesn't always help, but it's my knee-jerk.
I will pretty much always ask "inclusive?" after any "from A to B" statement. Which doesn't always help, but it's my knee-jerk.
I am indeed learning I need to do this. But if I said, "I am covered in mud from my head to my toes," I would think no one would assume I meant starting from my collarbone down. Or! "From soup to nuts," in my book, implies the inclusion of the soup. Although it's not a good comparison, really. But I wanted to say it.
(For the record, I meant [A], which included the catalytic converter. However, I do not think that *I* have to have the catalytic converter replaced [knock on wood], thank god.)
Those are two examples I would not feel the need to question. Possibly because there is an implication of completion in the very statement ("I am covered" to me implies completion even before the "from head to toe", though I suppose if you followed it with "wrist to elbow" or something I would again be confused) which in turn implies inclusion. Or perhaps just because that's what people mean when they that, and if I heard people talking about catalytic converters and tailpipes all the time I would also know what they were likely to mean in that case, as well.
I have officially given this too much thought.
Crisis averted - plush unicorn with cape has been found.
Crisis averted - plush unicorn with cape has been found.
Our long national nightmare is over!
Our long national nightmare is over!
Not quite. FOX News is still on the air.