Which reminds me that I have a box of stuff
OH! That reminds me that I have a pair of super cute girl's shoes size 8.5 that I bought by mistake from a website where they were not clear to differentiate between kid and grownup sizes! der. They've been sitting in my desk (well, actually several consecutive desks) for a couple years now. They are bronzey Kenneth Cole Reaction. Kind of like this:
If anyone is interested, send me an email.
I am full of energy this morning, and I have no idea why. I might take advantage of it and go furniture shopping. I still need a table and a loveseat.
Anyone who wants to send me baby girl clothes is more than welcome! But also not necessary as I have a neighbor with a 1 year old girl (holy crap Bea is turning 1!!!) who's been promising/threatening to dump all her hand-me-downs onto me. And it's not like Dylan's baby clothes are so aggressively gendered that TBA won't be able to wear them too.
Andi, yeah, that growing up thing kind of sucks too sometimes. If I didn't know that, the parenting would probably be easier.
The little monkey bunny's been screaming that he hates school every morning lately, so a day off seemed like a good idea. His teacher was okay with it, but surprised. She said he's been just fine at school and seems very happy. We discussed redirection and putting him in pullups over night because he's wetting the bed more, which means less sleep for just about everyone. And I thought maybe they were pushing him harder to mainstream him, but she said not., and I trust her. He's got a great team on his side at the school.
Poor monkey bunny. And how I love that phrase.
Kalliope, like her mother and first cousin once removed (that's you, Sox), is a wee baby monster and falling off the growth charts fast. So don't be so sure she's outgrown anything. She's a pretty solid size 70 in Hanna Andersson at the moment.
Last time we went to the pediatrician, I brought a copy of the page from my baby book which has all of my height/weight records for my first 2.5 years and the office was giddy with joy. They said that parents never, ever have this kind of information. Two points for my mother.
Can you program her number into your phone?
Probably won't matter - it will still come up as blocked.
Kalliope, like her mother and first cousin once removed (that's you, Sox), is a wee baby monster and falling off the growth charts fast. So don't be so sure she's outgrown anything. She's a pretty solid size 70 in Hanna Andersson at the moment.
Last time we went to the pediatrician, I brought a copy of the page from my baby book which has all of my height/weight records for my first 2.5 years and the office was giddy with joy. They said that parents never, ever have this kind of information. Two points for my mother.
Your mom rocks sparky. We amuse ourselves by alternating at the annual checkup. When DH takes hee in, she's going to be normal-to-tall. When I do.., well, nsm.
Eta: not really here
Got a speeding ticket on the way to work this morning. Which I deserved -- it's not like they're arbitrarily handed out, and I drive way too fast every day.
So, given that I deserved it, I didn't really have any right to completely lose my shit, but I did. Not at the nice policeman (no, he really was nice). But I was 2 exits from work, and so as soon as I drove away, I lost my shit totally. Which makes for really safe driving. And when I got to work, I had to sit in my car in the parking garage (in a way back corner where no one goes) for about half an hour before I was even remotely calm enough to go inside. Although my eyes were still red and puffy and it was obvious I was not calm.
The ticket is totally my fault, and I deserved it. But it's just the last goddamn straw and I just want to give up. (NOT in a Sylvia Plath way; just in a hermit way.) I just want to go home and go back to bed for a year. Everything is bad.
Oh god, please no brackety hugs and shit. SERIOUSLY.