Tonight's lesson is: just pick up the damn phone.
Our a/c died in August, and some friends loaned us 2 window a/c units, which have been sufficient for the rest of the hot days. We had a cool spell a couple of weeks ago, but suddenly this week it's in the 90s again, and is supposed to be until the weekend. Jesus.
The friends who loaned us the window units are moving to Boston, THIS Friday. (It was unexpected for them, but D. got a job offer that was too sweet to turn down.) So they had a going-away party tonight, and so we pulled the window units out of the windows and bundled them up (a lengthy process when carried out by The Boy) and took them to the party tonight.
Last night, when we were planning the logistics of it, The Boy asked, "Should we just offer to buy these from them, so they don't have to move them?" And I asked him, "Do you want me to call R. right now and find out?"
But we dithered, like we do, and decided not to. And then today The Boy spent an hour pulling out the 2 window units and packing them up and loading them in the car.
So (you can see where this is going, right?) we get to the party, The Boy hauls both a/c units out of the car and onto the front porch, and our friends say, "Oh my god, I meant to tell you, you guys should just keep these! It's too hot, you need them, and we don't want to move them."
So back into the car they went, and back home with us they came, and The Boy had to haul them out of the car and into the house (and, for one, up into the attic to store, because we're banking on these next 2 days of 90-degree weather being the last of it), and he re-installed the bedroom one.
Good lord. I mean, I'm *really* grateful, because I *loathe* this hot goddamn weather. But we should have just picked up the phone and called last night and it would have saved us a lot of trouble.