smonster, ma sister! I did hurl, whilst doing chores. I think my stomach did not like the really strong cup of coffee I had this morning. Tea tomorrow, methinks.
Or else I actually am allergic to chores! Ugh. Still feel slightly nast. But I have gotten so much done today; more than in weeks: emailed 2 jobs for application updates, made bed, defurred and febrezed couch, took pillow covers from couch pillows off and am laundering, 1 load of laundry down, 2 more in process, did dishes, cleaned stove, cleaned upstairs bathroom, did some stuff to office, made list of shit to do.
I think this is a lot. I was going to make a pot roast, but am not sure my tummy could take it. I gotta go to Target and get my HRT patch and paper towels, so I think I might just get some soup. I have some broc/cheddar soup, but that doesn't sound good to my tum. Maybe I can persuade Dan to go for me; I think, once the laundry and dishwasher are done cycling, I want to take a shower and lie down with a book for a while.
But I am still cheerful, upset tum or no.
Drew, I hope they spring you!
Deena, I have no nook, so thank you, but I couldn't borrow a book. Otherwise, I'd love to!