omnis, I've missed part of this saga - is your building manager refusing to fix your elevator?
Not refusing, just taking forever. Apparently, from what I've gathered from a couple sources, the owner of the building had to get an estimate from the repair company, so that added two days to the process. By the time he approved, and the management company notified the elevator company, it was late in the day, so I'm guessing the order didn't make the cut off for fed ex(??) And apparently this elevator company is notorious for bad fix jobs, slow work, and general bad attitudes. But the owner insists on using this company. So the Property Management folk are stuck between a rock and a hard place. But all I care about is a working elevator. They put up signs on Friday that promised it would be working Monday. I took them for their word, and picked up a sack of groceries, only to get home and see the elevator still out of whack. Then had to hike up to the 3rd level (floor 2 for the Brits and Aussies in the house) with a full sack of groceries. So glad I didn't do a full shopping trip (whole basket). That would have been 5 or 6 trips, and would have killed me.
I like the building. I like the location (well for traffic, it's proximity is eh) and the neighbors are all nice. But the elevator is really pissing me off. And I'm still paying off the move TO here, and can't really afford to move out just now. And not sure if it warrants that level yet. And would really not want to move just as the school year is starting up.
Omnis, there may be not much specifically about elevators in the Law, but check on safety and accessibility. You moved in there with the assurance that you'd be able to get out of the building quickly in a fire. Without jumping out a window. Do you have free legal consultations? I'd use it for this.
smonster, I am calling you *right now*. Weird, isn't it?
You moved in there with the assurance that you'd be able to get out of the building quickly in a fire. Without jumping out a window.
Aren't you not supposed to use elevators if there's a fire?
Woke up feeling like hell, and my voice entirely gone. Staying home today -- I can't teach like this.
Aren't you not supposed to use elevators if there's a fire?
Hush. I've got the righteous indignation going.
Hil, feel better soon. Sounds like the right thing to take a day off.
omnis, how freaking ridiculous. I hope you find a carrot or a stick that works quickly.
Thanks for all the ~ma. Next thing - telling my boss. Oy.
Yay Perkins!
Yay, smonster!
Boo to seska's electrician and omnis's landlord!
This cold will not quit. I have to get through the funeral this morning and then I see a long nap in my future.
Yes, major phooey on the electricians. The "off" part is just as important as the "on" part.
Just sent off my request for clarification/counter offer. Dear god I think I might barf. Thanks for your help, Vortex!
good luck smonster! Zen, we're still in silent phase on the table - swedish-heritage DH thing. travel~ma Theresa, and court~ma Maria!
Sweater project #1 is finished - I used yarn I had from Baltimore (love the shop, can't work the patterns the owner creates unless I'm sitting with the owner, so blah) and a Debbie Bliss pattern. [link] I'm psyched that I don't have to tuck in any more @#@$! ends.
Now back to the regularly scheduled studying and writing.
Yay for all the good news around here!
I'm looking forward to the time when I can be saying yay for off switches and elevators.
Sox, that's a great sweater!