Sympathies on multiple fronts for amyth. Sensible medical support wished for Erin. Excellent and thorough surgery and quick, problem free recovery for Perkins. Swift and finally complication-free recovery for Drew. Happy new house! to Seska and her Girl, and a personal aside. We're coming up on a year, and I'm really starting to get torqued about the two rooms that need construction and installation before we can finally finish unpacking. I'm at the point of hiring it done, even though we really can't afford it. So.frickin.frustrating. So may your settling in take far less long and may you be comfy and settled very soon.
Raq, boob~ma to you.
As far as belief goes, I think I'm very close to Pandoran, actually. Having spent my yout' until I escaped to college in a fundamentalist So. Baptist home and church, then having worked my way through intense studies of Roman Catholicism, with a brief fling with the notion of being a nun (service, solitude, go with me here), and then with Judaism and kibbutz life (service, community, are we sensing a theme?), then back to decreasingly specific forms of Protestantism, through agnosticism, Native American and Celtic paganism, to a non-specific, non-deist, earth-based spirituality with a Buddhist cast today. I believe in the life force of the universe, but I feel no need to have it personified. I honor, rather than worship that force.
To allow personification for a moment, if there was--or is--a god, then I suppose I "believe" she designed and crafted the universe, much like a 21 jewel Swiss watch, each miniscule gear and cog working meticulously and interlinked with the others to perform flawlessly. Except there's an eccentric gear called "humans" that keeps disrupting the timing by microns. The gears are beginning to rub and wear, and things are exponentially creeping ever further out of their set tracks. Unless she remembers the toy she abandoned and comes back to repair and replace the faulty parts, we will inevitably tick erratically down to a dull and rusty stop.