Bloody fucking hell, Erin, this is cruel. She prescribed something, ignoring your wishes for something that you know works and is now trying to pull this shit? Doesn't she understand it's people who go without sleep who wind up in clock towers and shit? That it's a torture technique employed by the CIA?
I'm glad you found a place that accepts walk-ins. I was going to suggest you try finding somewhere else, like, right away, because clearly this woman is not for you.
I called another place, and they accept walk-in's at 2, so I'mma think I'll go there, unless she changes her mind before then. But I think, perhaps, I don't want her for my GP. Feels like I'd try to get a Z-PAk and she'd want to prescribe a nice bowl of chicken soup...and some bloodwork.
I think you don't want her for your GP, too. I cannot think of a single bloody reason you need bloodwork done in order to be prescribed Ambien. That's bullshit.
Rice Krispies: Seska, I'm sorry that I haven't actually written ~ma for the move, but I was definitely thinking it. Whether it's five miles or three thousand, moving's a bitch. I'm glad everyone seems to have survived intact.
And if you need character references from invisible people... shit, that might not help. But we'd be happy to provide them!
Oh, Erin. As one chronic insomniac to another, I REALLY hope you get the meds you need.
I need distractions. I'm all worked up, waiting to hear from legal on the Situation That Will Not Die.
I'm really pissed, too, that I'm so twitchy, I can't concentrate on work.
Oh, amyth, ~ma~ma~ma for you and your brother and SIL. I'm glad they've settled on a way to do the radiation. Keeping you all in my thoughts.
I'm glad that I'm not just overreacting. Haven't heard from her; will go put some clothes on in a bit, and hope to god this other doc is more reasonable.
You're not overreacting, Erin. This is ridiculous.
I'm totally wrecked after a night of rampant insomnia and usually can't work a full work day. I don't understand how your doctor can downplay that, Erin, and that's an incredibly important criterion in someone who's responsible for your general healthcare.