Ah, not a GPS. If you don't have a GPS, you look for a map. If no map, the sun. If no sun, the moss on trees. Or memory. Or a compass. Or ask someone.
The analogy I guess I'm going for is this: just because the high-tech, precision equipment isn't at your fingertips, you can try other ways to find your way. I'm not necessarily suggesting other religions, mind, although if that's your pleasure, fabu (and I enjoy examining differing belief systems, because there is always something of beauty and goodness that is contained in them.) But you can look to people whose lives you admire, or look in yourself to find the things you believe to be important. You can look in science, in art, in philanthropy, in humor, or music, or clog-dancing Irish misanthropes -- whatever!
You will find what is good, I promise. You already know most of it, I bet. And can there not be something of great good and assurance that come from this moment of pain and doubt? Growth rarely comes without growing pains -- you're getting into the deep questions of what it means, to you, Shir, to be Good, and lifting the heavy shit causes some muscle strain. But you will be a better person for it than if you had turned away from a deeper examination of your faith, as painful as it is.
Good lord, I'm pedantic! Anyway, if there be a god, I think that contemplation on what it is to be a good, decent, caring person, and trying to achieve that would bring him/her/it nothing but pleasure, FWIW, doll.