I've been in the Y weight machine room at roughly the same time MWF for something like four years. (Last week, the magic computer program said I had lifted 1.5 million pounds.) The same eight or 10 people have overlapped with me all that time. I say hello. We talk occasionally. One guy is one of those people who knows everyone, and so I finally learned his name after six months or so. The other people are, in my mind, the tall guy; the guy whose shorts are too tight; the annoying woman who sits on the machines and talks; et al.
Aargh. A "friend" (in this case, a friend of a friend) posted a link that revealed a whole new subset of People Who Are Wrong on the Internet.
I really suck at names and I can go a long time knowing someone and still not know their name.
When I went to my uncle's memorial service a couple of weeks ago, I called a cousin by the wrong name. Well, actually, I thought Cousin A was Cousin B, because I hadn't seen them in, like, 20 years. But still.
I do feel bad for Tom though, because that has to suck for someone with social anxiety to hear.
I admit, it would send me into a tailspin to overhear that. I can look at Tom and say he shouldn't do what I would do, and then I get pimpslapped by my hypocrisy.
I admit, it would send me into a tailspin to overhear that. I can look at Tom and say he shouldn't do what I would do, and then I get pimpslapped by my hypocrisy.
Yeah- it's understandable that it happened, I just wish he hadn't heard that because this has been one of our major social efforts here in New Orleans and it just deflated him so much.
Oh, that sucks.
I am bad with names, and also get strangely paranoid that I don't know someone's name, when in fact I do.
Today was neither a good nor a productive day. PMS forced me to admit some unpleasant things to myself, as that bitch frequently does. And I'm freaking out about this job thing, if I can afford it, if I can do it, do I really want to work for this org? Had a nasty anxiety attack, worst I've had in a while. And I don't have meds for that sort of thing, so I made do with a bourbon and ginger.
And now I'm just rambling, and it's time for bed, and I am so not ready for tomorrow. ::sigh::
I called a cousin by the wrong name. Well, actually, I thought Cousin A was Cousin B, because I hadn't seen them in, like, 20 years. But still.
Hah--a lot of people did this at my dad's 70th birthday, they thought I was my sister and vice-versa.
I am totally bad with names, and there are TONS of people that I've now known for years, dancing every week, but can't remember their names. I've met them repeatedly, and I'm every year SOOOO glad when the yearly convention rolls around and we're wearing nametags for the out-of-towners...and then I go right back to having forgotten everyone's name.
If I were in charge of the world, everyone would wear nametags. Also, all buildings would have visible street numbers. Most people are happy I'm not in charge of the world, though.
I am very bad with names, which is why I am still waiting to meet Megan Walker.
I am horrible with names, especially if I see someone I know in a different context. I completely didn't recognize my across-the-street neighbor when I saw her at my gym.
I am cross posting this because it's *that* funny! Especially for you parents! [link]
I am so glad TCG and I are eloping, just dealing with being a bridesmaid in T's wedding is overwhelming me. Of course, part of that might be having to fly across the country.