Congrats to brother of Teppy!
I wish their beer had wider (or any) distribution. I mean, you win a gold, it's clearly great beer, so I just wish more people could try it.
Have you watched "Beer Wars"? Documentary on beer in America. Business is stacked against the little guys. THe laws for booze distribution is archaic! Must be reformed. But the major brewers keep bribing the politicians. Oops. Sorry. Mini rant. Watch the flick.
Pix, get some sleeep! You are feeling sleeeepeey! Your eyelids are very heavy. Your head feels comfy on the pillow. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Cass has earwormed me cruelly.
Very sorry.
Your earworms cannot defeat me, because my mental stereo has done nothing but play the new MCR song since yesterday.
That's awesome news about Drew! Does he get to keep his stone of unpleasantness?
Steph, I so very want to try your brother's beer. I've only been off gluten for a week and a half and I miss beer so much it hurts my face.
Congrats to Teppy's brother!
Yay for the gold medal, Teppy!
Um, that big? Sounds like half of France. (OK, it's a sounds like joke, not so good in print).
"Omnia Gallia in tres partes divisa est."
That's enough gallstone to be divided into three parts.
Congratulations to Teppy's brother.
Congratulations to your brother, Teppy!
I'm glad they finally found and removed the problem for Drew.
This morning has thus far been a giant ball of suck.
However, I have busted out the old school consequences and Emeline is currently sitting at the dining room table, writing "I will not be disrespecful." as many times as I say she freaking needs to.
It's mornings like this that I sympathize with Delores Umbridge. I think I'll get out my Alice band.
I'm glad Drew's surgery went well. I hope his recovery begins moving quicker now.
TCG caught my cold. So we are both on the couch sneezing and feeling miserable.
Argh. Just opened a letter that arrived yesterday from the IRS, which claims there was an error in Drew's 2009 taxes and he owes $6000+ to them within the next 15 days to "avoid further penalties." Seriously, universe? Seriously?!? I have already left a message with our accountant to take a look and make sure there isn't an error on their part, and we will go on a payment plan if necessary, but did I mention "seriously???"