Yay Drew! Not yay for the gallstone, of course, but for its discovery and safe removal!
Is this a new doc? Because I can see this kind of comment reading as drug-seeking behavior, which might explain why she was hesitant to write the exact prescription you were asking for.
That's fair, and it's actually true: I am seeking this drug. Not for crazy hi-jinks, though; for getting me to sleep, turning my sleep pattern around and getting my life back to normal.
I might just tell her this: You are reading this as drug-seeking, and that's fair. Let me tell you why this thing you prescribed sucks, and how, exactly, I am planning on utilizing this drug, whose effect on my body and my sleep I know precisely how will work.
I am not so much drug-seeking as I am precision and effectiveness seeking. The devil I know, works, simply put.
That seems reasonable to me. Do you have records from your other doctor(s) who prescribed Ambien in the past, to show that you've used it, and how you've used it, and to "prove" (not that you should have to) that other doctor(s) have prescribed it for you and therefore trusted you to not abuse it? Because maybe that would make the new doctor less concerned about drug-abuse-seeking behavior.
Oh! Zenkitty, how long have you had that tagline? Because the friends we had dinner with tonight were talking about that very movie, and the coincidence is just freaky. It's either total plate-of-shrimp coincidence, or he lurks here (in which case, SHOW YOURSELF, DUDE).
My brother's brewpub won a GOLD MEDAL at the Great American Beer Festival this weekend, for its gluten-free beer, called Celia Pale Ale. This is the second year in a row they've won gold for their GF beer. I tried it last weekend, and it really is excellent. I know I'm biased, but the medal is well deserved.
I wish their beer had wider (or any) distribution. I mean, you win a gold, it's clearly great beer, so I just wish more people could try it.
Instead, everyone must go to Vermont.
Congrats, brother o'Teppy!
Ack. I am so wound up from the emotional output of the day (hell, the whole month) that I can't fall asleep. Body! Cut it out!
My brother's brewpub won a GOLD MEDAL at the Great American Beer Festival this weekend, for its gluten-free beer, called Celia Pale Ale.
Cecilia, You're breaking my heart
You're shaking my confidence baby
(When I worked in a grocery store, the bread lady was named Cecelia. Songs were sung. Any name even near it and I think of wheat and yeast and nom.)
Cass has earwormed me cruelly.
P.S. Everybody was Kung Fu fighting.
Hahahaha! I see Pix plays dirty!