Oh, that's really good new, Drew and Pix!
Is this a new doc? Because I can see this kind of comment reading as drug-seeking behavior, which might explain why she was hesitant to write the exact prescription you were asking for.
That's fair, and it's actually true: I am seeking this drug. Not for crazy hi-jinks, though; for getting me to sleep, turning my sleep pattern around and getting my life back to normal.
I might just tell her this: You are reading this as drug-seeking, and that's fair. Let me tell you why this thing you prescribed sucks, and how, exactly, I am planning on utilizing this drug, whose effect on my body and my sleep I know precisely how will work.
I am not so much drug-seeking as I am precision and effectiveness seeking. The devil I know, works, simply put.
I think ita has experienced this situation also. And it's griping my ass.
Um, that big? Sounds like half of France.
Judging by its behaviour, Vichy France.
Oh Erin, what a miserable situation. I hope you find relief (or a better doctor) soon.
Goodbye, cruel gallstone!
Yay for the little things, omnis!
yay for Drew finally getting the answer to WTF?
Recovery soon ~ma.
Andrea and I went to the farmer's market today. At one stand we bought 39 pounds of squash.
Do you know how many squash it takes to make 39 pounds?
One weighed 4 pounds.
I'll let you do the math.
Why did you buy a 35-pound squash? Is it a pumpkin with a destiny as a decoration? Is it ammunition?
I'm assuming someone's preparing to attend a certain prince's ball soon.
Why did you buy a 35-pound squash? Is it a pumpkin with a destiny as a decoration? Is it ammunition?
The man loves his Hubbard squash.
Um.... I don't mean that in porny way.
It's a greenish white Hubbard squash. it looks like something from another planet. I think the cats are scared of it.