Progress isn't made by early risers.
can I get that printed on a big giant hand that I can hold up when HKFan wakes us up tomorrow?
We've all decided that tomorrow is the first annual HKFan-is-the-boss day, since she feels like we're too bossy All The Time. So, since I get to be not Responsible, and not the boss, that means I get to sleep in, right?
Will someone tell her for me?
Drew just went in. The procedure will be starting in 5-10 minutes. Could be 30 minutes to two hours before I get some answers. This is the time to vibe, if ever a vibing time there was for us.
Sox, is it or the chairs warped or damp-damaged?
Zen, just dusty I think. The table is so thick you could sail on it.
Thinking good thoughts Pix.
So it's round with the leaves up, right? What are the dimensions? There's a space I'm looking to fill, and I like antique furniture.