That`s a lot more talking about religion than I usually permit myself online; hope you guys are all okay with me flapping my gums.
You kidding me? Talk on, lady, talk on!!
I was thinking earlier that it was probably a little crazy of me to be sad at someone else losing their faith, when I don't really believe, myself. So I'm happy to have other buffistas who do, say things. And hear about it.
I have complete faith that we're all wrong. And that the world could be a better place if more people just got a little more comfortable with that idea.
I kind of wish we could have more religious/faith/whatever conversations, but I understand that those can get fraught.
Brilliant doctorage and no-outcome-but-good~ma to the PixDesigns.
I was enjoying the faith conversation too. I watched a This American Life episode, I think it was called, "God's Closeup" and it got me thinking that maybe I'm missing out, with my lack of faith.
Much peace ~ma to amyth & fam and procedure ~ma for Drew.
Much good outcome~ma to Drew.
And much peace~ma to amyth.
amyth, lots of ~ma for your family.
Pix, thinking good thoughts ND's way.
Liese, I liked hearing what you had to say, too.
You know, Pix, just in case it hasn't been said enough, Drew is so freakin' lucky to have you. And I know he knows it, but just wanted to let you know we see it too.
Hey, all. I am sorry to hear about Drew; that's really disappointing.
Thanks for the dr. vibes -- I think she's a really nice lady, but I am going to call her on Monday and say "this is not working." I did some more reading up on traz last night, and took 100 mg., which was well within the safe ranges. Well, it put me to sleep. BUT I had awful dreams (dreamt I was a Jewish child on a Nazi boat -- seriously, a super strange, awful dream), was staggering up to bed like a drunk, and my sleep schedule is still fucked up as hell -- I slept til 6 pm. And I am sore and still staggery and my brane iz not werking wel.
I am going to say that this drug is not for me.
As far as religion goes, I was raised Christian, went through your typical preadolescent uber-fearful religious phase, got tired of it, nixed Christianity as not logical, dabbled in Wicca in college, nixed it as not for me, but slightly more logical, read a buttload.
Decided agnosticism was the logical choice, as I can't claim complete atheism, but am completely comfortable in deciding that I don't know what the heck is up with the universe(s), there may or may not be a higher power, but many people are way too smug in their righteousness, and I think if there is a god(dess)s/es, then the truth is likely to be far more complex (or far more simple) than any one religion has gotten it.
So I figure most religions have elements of truth in them, but elements of WTF also. I can't even balance my budget, so why the hell worry about God or NotGod -- if a God exists, well, s/he can take care of things him/her/itself, and if no god, well, life goes on anyway.
I just try to be a good person as I decide what good is. I believe in ethics rather than morals, dislike zealotry, and figure I'll find out What's Going On after I die. If there is a god, great! If s/he is so petty as to send me to hell for not believing, fuck you, petty god. That petty, your don't deserve my worship anyway; just a bully. I think the idea of a god so petty is not that likely. And if there is no afterlife, well, I'll be dead, and not in a position to worry about it.
There's really nothing I can do about ANY of it, so I would rather focus on living my life as well as I can, you know?