Stay dry or stay cool, depending on your weather! It's been gorgeous here, sunny and in the low 80s. There was some marsh fire stank first thing this morning, but that didn't last.
So cool to touch the Stanley Cup, sj.
Uggh. So I just talked to my neighbor for the first time, and she confirmed it for me that our landlord is a slumlord. They are also having problems with ridiculous water bills, and he hasn't done anything about it. R told me the neighbor was supposed to cut the grass, she says nope. Their toilet is about to fall through the floor, he won't fix it. He said he'd give them a break on the rent, they pay the same as we do. And a dozen other lies.
Time to start looking for a new place, I reckon. I could move two doors down, but that place is kind of cramped. M (my neighbor) told me about a 1 br for rent a little further down the block for $500, maybe I'll check that out. IDK.
I can haz?
If I took some here, y'all would not have so much...better for everyone.
Ugh, smonster, total PITA. That sucks.
Well, I still haven't unpacked totally, or even gotten rid of my boxes (no recycling cart yet, been meaning to Freecycle). Bright side of procrastination? Part of me is tempted to change hoods, but I'm already hooked on the IC and love living so close to Nora!
And your roomie sounds cool! And relocating is a pain! And you shouldn't have to deal with it!
But having a lying slumlord for a landlord is worse, for sure.
Would roomie relocate with you? Or did her three grumpy days off work ascare you?
She may only be here through November, but it would suck for her to have to find such a short term place. Just thinking through possibilities.
smonster that really sucks I'm sorry you have a crappy landlord.
I had a day, I had therapy and it ended up being kind of a hard thing. And then there was knitting club. I almost didn't' go but I went and it was really great. I met some nice women and someone is going to teach me to knit next week.
smonster, that sucks. I hope you're able to figure something out.
askye, I'm glad there was a bit of a silver lining to your day. I hope tomorrow is better.
Glad you pushed through and went to knitting club, askye. I need to get back into knitting, maybe. My roommate is awesome - she's currently knitting an intarsia bag in Gryffindor colors, including the logo! She's also knitted octopus armwarmers and socks and a cupcake baby hat, all since she moved in.
Speaking of... she asked for privacy tonight via text - I thought it was a general "can't deal with peoples" introvert thing, but it turns out today is some kind of Very Not Good anniversary for her. So I"m thinking that's why she's been in an epically shitty mood for the last few days.
sj! I failed at going to yoga! And may fail again tomorrow, since I'm making dinner and having drinks with StW. But I will keep trying. Did you get to the gym?