There was an article in the paper as to whether gentrification was strictly a white phenomenon, since the affluent blacks moving in were also displacing older residents who couldn't keep up with the prices and escalating taxes, which is why I mentioned it.
The neighborhood around Howard University might work - the students tend to be from upper/upper-middle class families and are known for being well - or at least very fashionably - dressed. It's Le Droit Park, fyi.
I need it to be a family neighbourhood, although making the mother a university professor would work really well (although it would really smack of me writing my life).
Le Droit Park isn't exclusively university people - it's a long-established neighborhood.
Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the day is the Complete Set of Daria dvds.
Just had to share. While poking around on Amazon trying to replace my favorite necklace, I saw this:
Which seems to be coming in without a picture, so it's second row left on this page:
They also seem to be fond of the cephalopods, tommyrot.
The good news: I got antibiotics and codeine for the Martian death flu.
The bad news: When I went to get ID to check in with, my driver's license wasn't in my purse. I can't remember the last time I took it out for something, so I don't even know where to start. Also, since antibiotics aren't magic, I still have no brain because the microbes ate it.
I did get out of the house for 2 hours, and I have gotten some more stuff done.
I've pretty much slammed into the wall o' insomnia tired at this point, but I did it will shiny hair, clean clothes and mascara.
Check jeans or jacket pockets, Ginger?
Yay, paycheck, smonster!
Sorry about the license, Ginger. I'm most likely to pull out my license when I'm signing up for something requiring the number or when getting carded for booze. So maybe you should check near a desk? Or where ever you unpack your booze, I guess, should you do so.
A coat or purse I don't use regularly is where I would start.