All the ~ma for Taz I can muster!!! Get better, kitty.
Oof, half hour to go and I am done. Annoyed with B right now b/c I set up a meeting at his request with my boss and he hasn't confirmed, and now my boss prefers to do it tomorrow. His tough luck if that doesn't work.
I had a pot roast poboy for lunch and it was nom. But now I'm hungry again.
~ma to Taz.
(Is it terribly wrong that I keep thinking "well, now we'll just have a cat who *really* deserves the name Switch!")
Lots of ~ma to Taz!!
I had a pot roast poboy for lunch and it was nom.
Now I want to go to Culver's for their pot roast sandwich for dinner. But, I know I'll get some of their frozen custard, too, and that's the last thing I need!
-ma for Taz.
Also, Rocky says "Yikes!" Because maybe male cats are like guys and can't even read about stuff happening to another cat's junk.
I had a pot roast poboy for lunch and it was nom.
Where was this acquired, pray tell?
Heard from the vet, the surgery went fine. he'll be at the vet's overnight and we'll be picking Marley up shortly.
Quick healing and nothing else, ever ~ma for Taz.
Congrats to dad of o_a on the not a heart attack news.
Steph, coping ~ma to your brother and everyone who loves the Alchemist. May they spin gold out of mud.
eta: I meant also to say that the family photo took my breath away, Glam. Perfect.
So, I'm rolling out a new website, and distributing a press release about the partnership I'm fortunate enough to have made with my friend's pet services company.
If you love a red pen and would be interested in critiquing the press release, I'd be grateful for you eyes over in Business.
Thanking you in advance!
t /the Black Ribboners of the Discworld
One of my students has to miss class tomorrow because she's being crowned queen of an agricultural fair. This is a new one for me.
Though, I do remember some girls at Tulane missing classes because they had responsibilities or dress-fittings for being queen of a Mardi Gras krewe.