And I am just agog at the loss of all the brewing equipment in the basement. Seven damn barrels. Shit.
I know. Tom almost cried when he realized that. He remembered that all their brewing equipment was in the basement.
I wrote a little something about it on my beer blog: [link]
I want a do a tour. I was planning on going back and tasting different beers until I found something I liked.
A few times Will's been on a trip back to Vermont and sitting next to people visiting and he's told them they need to tour Cabot, then Ben & Jerry's, and then finish off at The Alchemist for beer and dinner.
Steph, I'm so sorry about the Alchemist. Every time people talk about it, I want to go there. I hope the flood insurance will take care of everything.
Glam, that's a great picture.
I wrote a little something about it on my beer blog: [link]
Nora, that is awesome. Thank you. Can I send him the link?
Glam, that's a gorgeous picture.
Aims, I agree with whoever said she--or they--are probably grieving, and you're a handy, if unfair, target of the anger part of that. I hope the friendship can survive it. If not, or if you can't endure on a wait and see basis, then you're going to have to be the one to move away and let go. And I'm sorry.
Steph, I'm so sorry. The Alchemist was obviously a great place, celebrated by all who were familiar with it, and its loss will be felt more widely than perhaps even the owners know. Thank goodness, though, that they have the insurance, and once the shock and adjustment are over, willing support as they rebuild.
Glad to hear everyone seems to have survived that past week (earthquake, hurricane ... do I dare ask what's next). Sorry about The Alchemist and any damage anyone may have suffered.
In the news, photos of Irene.
Steph, I'm so sorry.
Glam, that is a fabulous photo!
I am now a licensed forklift driver. It's going to take a while to get good at it, though. That shit is tricky!
In the news, photos of Irene.
I love that picture of the crayfish. He looks all angry and defiant.
Can I send him the link?
Absolutely! Spread any link from either of my blogs near and far!