A friend of mine who had a Mohawk got a cool dragon tattoo on her skull. She said if she wanted a conservative job all she had to do was grow her hair.
There was a dude in the Freak-Ass Church who was heavily tattooed and was a cranky, surly, ex-junkie, musician, chef who smoked like a house on fire. One of his many tattoos -- on the back of his head -- said FUCK DISCO.
Sitting behind someone with FUCK DISCO tattooed on the back of his head makes church a whole lot more interesting, I tell you what.
End of the stuck-camel story:
As for the Clackamas County firefighters, McAdoo said they're getting pretty good with animal rescues.
"I don't know why we are the pet rescue fire department," McAdoo said. "Some of the guys on the rescue of the camel were there when we did the cow in the well. We're getting this down."
Cow in the well? Jesus.
S'Okay. I'm enough of a skipper and skimmer that I should not complain when someone else misses one of mine.
I hope there's cake, Nora, something that goes well with delicious beer!
Though I did have some awesome bread pudding.
Also cocktails at this place/
I started with a "Cease & Desist" which had Carpano Punt e Mes, Rittenhouse Bonded Rye, Fernet Branca, and Orange Peel. OMG SO GOOD.
Then I had the "William Wisecracker" with Evan Williams Single Barrel, Cynar, Demerara Sugar, Lemon, Maraschino Liqueur, and Mint.
Then, at the bartender's suggestion I had a "Branca Libre" which was a take on the Cuba Libre, with Fernet, the juice of half a lime, demerara sugar, served over cracked ice. Perfect to finish with.
Sooooo sleepy.
We went to Cure after a long ass day at work which included the release party for my non-profit's bimonthly free magazine/newspaper. There was some awesome soul food and the Baby Boyz Brass Band blowing the roof off the place!
So, long day, but awesome in that "work hard, play hard" kind of way.
Thanks everyone, for your birthday wishes!
Spounds wonderful, Nora !
Happy birthday
That sounds like a cool place and a good day, Nora. Many happy returns!
I'm so bummed that I'm not recruiting anymore. I would normally be leaving for N'awlins week after next and I would finally have someone to hang out with.
Finally caught up! Wow, busy day. And I was some behind from yesterday too. Stupid work keeping me from reading bitches. Pfft.
Feeding. Tube. Is. Out.
ION, I am SO happy Drew is coming home tomorrow!
Super Double Yipee!!!
I did get to chat with Drew on the way home today. I was going to visit. Alas, "getting off work early" turned from 3:30-4 to 5:30 (aka prime traffic time). And since he's coming home, he said don't bother trekking up there. And we had a nice long talk. Only to be interrupted by dinner being served. And the silly boy apologized. For getting dinner. To eat. By mouth! It was a beautiful thing.
wrt "wife beater" shirts. I do recall from my youth my father wearing the ribbed flavor of those shirts. And I do recall when he had too many beers, him getting violent with my mom. And for me, the name fits. Not that I use it. Not that I assume anyone who wears one is going to beat their spouse. And it might explain why I don't wear that flavor of shirt OR drink much. That being said, yes, I find it VERY hot when a woman wears a butch cami!
I should add, thankfully my mother was smart enough to divorce my dad when I was still young, because she didn't want "the kids to see their father doing this".
ION For the baseball fans out there. Anyone else been watching the Yankee/TB games this week? Thankfully they all were on national tv stations (MLB network for the first 2 games, and ESPN tonight). Wow! What awesome games. Fabulous match ups! I'm in the 7th inning for tonight's game. It really makes you wish these two could face each other in the World Series. It would be a great series. Such an even match up. Truly good baseball!