Tim wears slinky panties under jeans more often than not, when he's not at work. In the winter, if he knows he'll be wearing a sweater or thick sweatshirt, he'll wear a cami or bra, too.
That's what I'm talking about (firmly avoids ogling Steph's man). That I don't consider crossdressing, just wearing women-typical clothes. And if they're made for men, it's a whole different feeling from actually shopping in the women's section (both feelings have their...attractions).
(firmly avoids ogling Steph's man)
Please, ogle away. He's eye candy.
Steph's dude is cute, tru fax man. (I feel OK saying that because she thinks my dude is cute too. It's like we have some underlying agreement on what makes a man attractive.)
So I am having a kitty concern: Last night as we were going to bed we noticed that Folly was having some kind of issue. There was a bit of watery, bloody discharge after she used her catbox. eep! So we put her in the bathroom with food and a box so we could keep an eye on her (otherwise she hides). She seems fine this morning, or at least not in distress, and I can see she peed. But I plan on calling the vet today. We are going out of town and I am worried about her.
Thanks Laga, I just called the vet and they want me to bring her in. I hope she's OK.
In re the headache/migraine - could it be related to blood loss? I'm just asking because a co-worker complained about a really bad headache due to heavy bleeding, so I thought maybe.
Kitty~ma for Taz and Folly and any other kitty friends that need it.
Please, ogle away. He's eye candy.
Woo! I ogle a wide variety of types. It is a habit not likely to change any time soon.
I have a cold. This never happens. I don't like it much.
And Barb, you're fully entitled to go medieval on that travel agency - screwing up the reservations is bad enough, but then blaming it on you ... way beyond unreasonable.
Just be glad they didn't successfully book the first leg of the trip and not the second, leaving the kids stranded someplace away from any family. At least you could take them home (which in no way excuses the agent, but be grateful it wasn't worse).
Barb, my college roommate is a rocket scientist (really!) at Atlanta and can go anywhere in the airport - if you'd like me to see if she's free to meet your kids, ping me at my profile addy.
Thank so much, Sparky, but I think we're good. They're up in the air and because we insisted that Incompetent! Travel Agency suck up the cost for them to be escorted (as well as this time making sure that Abby was actually listed as an unaccompanied minor, which the agent had somehow neglected to do the FIRST time), I'm at least assured that a) someone will meet them at their plane in Atlanta and escort them to their gate for the Asheville flight and b) that the Asheville flight will not leave without them because of their status as unaccompanied minors.
And may I just say, in general, how much it SUCKS that these days you have to pay to have unaccompanied minors escorted between connections? Of course, they're not even allowed to be booked on flights with connections until they're 13 or 14, so there's that, but still-- I'm just enough of a dinosaur that I remember being escorted as part of the general customer service experience.
Just be glad they didn't successfully book the first leg of the trip and not the second, leaving the kids stranded someplace away from any family. At least you could take them home (which in no way excuses the agent, but be grateful it wasn't worse).
Yanno, Todd, the way things went... I can only imagine. Luckily, I had been lecturing the kids repeatedly that they are to stick to each other like glue and if anyone tries to separate them, then I gave Abby leave to let loose with an Abby-tantrum the likes of which are liable to go down as legend. (We're talking about the same kid who, at the age of three, threw a fit that included the immortal phrase, "You'll all PAY! I'll NEVER watch television AGAIN!"