Congratulations Drew! In my plan, you are tubeless. Or something.
Over here, 'wife beater' is the name given to Stella Artois beer. Which was hell of fun when I was a barmaid, as you can imagine. My general response was 'AHA isn't domestic abuse hilarious?'
Edited because my iPod will change words willy nilly.
Wait, don't tell me Stella is like the equivalent of Bud Lite over there! I'll cry! I love my delicious Stella!
I was sad when I found out Newcastle Brown Ale was called "Newkie Brown," that Newkies are the equivalent of Cheeseheads and therefore the beer is basically Leinenkugels.
Sometime in the mid-century, FotL, and Hanes took note again (no flies on them) and produced both garments in colors, adding a cigarette pocket to the tee.
I remember reading an article about the costume designer for "Devil in a Blue Dress" trying to find the perfect undershirt for Easy to wear in shots like this. H/she finally found an italian one that was really expensive, but it looked really good.
Drew is no longer a series of tubes! Hooray!
Very much this! Yay!
I don't love the terms tramp stamp or wife beater, but then the outrage fatigue kicks in and I just can't bring myself to care that much how people refer to their tats and tank tops.
And also this.
Over here, 'wife beater' is the name given to Stella Artois beer.
How...odd. Is this supposed to be a statement on the Belgians, or to the type of people who drink Stella? The name "Stella" ceartainly has Streetcar Named Desire associations. Cue Ned Flanders....
Of course, if it's about Belgians, anyone's who've seen Monty Python's "Prejudice" show knows what the top 3 derogatory terms are for them.
Oh it's very much a comment on the people who drink it. It has a slightly higher alcohol content than other standard lagers, and everyone knows drunk people beat their wives? Or something? The company is always trying to look as classy as possible in their ads to counter that image. I think it might be working...
Congratulations on the tube being out, Drew!
Also, congratulations to for being such a civil community. I had about 60 posts to read here and when things started getting tense I was convinced the next several hours would be about recriminations and escalation, like many fora I've been a part of. I should have realized is pretty special. Analysis, apologies, it's over. I just wanted to point it out from the perspective of someone who hasn't been here day after day since about 2001. You guys are impressive.
We are also very pretty.
I am so tired. Joe is in Aspen until Saturday and the dogs are on hair-trigger-alert when he isn't home. They woke me up at 1am. I laid in bed until 3:00 and then I read SusanW's book on my iPad for a while. It was fun to read because I'd heard a bit and read bits over the years. Then I finally fell asleep at 3:30 and now I'm exhausted.