Steph and Jilli, you KNOW ITA re:
Makes perfect sense to me. And what I don't get is -- why is Remeron okay in his eyes, but not Ambien? Remeron is a sedating drug, and it's an antidepressant (which I don't want), and it causes weight gain (which he doesn't want to see happen). Ambien? Just helps me sleep.
And I'm no dummy when it comes to drugs. I get that it can cause dependence, but if it's helping a legitimate medical condition, and the patient is okay with possible dependence, then who the fuck cares? That's like doctors who won't prescribe adequate pain meds for patients with chronic pain because they "don't want the patients to become addicted." Well, fuck that. It's chronic goddamn pain. Key word "chronic." It's not going away. So if it's not going away, then why not help your patient to have a decent quality of life with adequately managed pain?
I've made that decision -- without a 20 mgs of Ambien, I can't fall asleep unless I am up for 24-30 hours. I always run out before the end of the month, and I have found that if I take 15 mgs of Xanax an hours before I try to sleep -- usually at about 1, then I can fall asleep within 2 hours.
My doc seems ok so far about Rxing for me, but I have two more refills left on the Ambien and none on the Xanax.
I am not addicted to them -- I am addicted to fucking being able to fall asleep within 1 hour of going to bed, instead of 5-6 hours (or not at all.) I take my citalopram and estradiol like a good girl in the morning; am I addicted to HRT and AD's, too? GIMME THE EFFING SLEEP MEDS. So I can, ya know, sleep.
Sorry. Trigger.
smaonster, you know how happy I am for you, and I feel kinda proud sister-ish of you right now!!! You did it!!