Woo hoo, Nora!!
The ~ma is working, I have proof! My roommate got called back and starts tomorrow! And my 2nd round interview is scheduled for Thursday afternoon!! AND I got my dental insurance card in the mail and a corrected bill from the COBRA peeps.
I know what I want to ask for ($3K more than I made at UNC) and about as low as I want to go (what I made at BoH). I just need to run numbers and see what all that would look like based on what I actually spend and things I'd like to do (hai, trip to France in October).
Also, next door neighbor is fixing up bikes for a nonprofit and if I help clean them, I can have one. SCORE.
Now to figure out why I have more money than I expected in my accounts. Hmm. I hope it's because I've been hardcore saving money (but still enjoying NOLA, thanks to Nora and other generous friends). To celebrate the interview and having $$, I bought... a crockpot. Living large!!
I am, like, Tigger-level bouncy. I kind of hope StW wants to go out to eat, though I will totally understand if he wants to get takeout and crash after his marathon day. Half an hour left!
!!!11!1111!!! (I felt like my post needed just a *few* more exclamation marks.)