You can simmer for about 45 mins on med-lo, but I prefer to simmer at lo for a couple of hours. YBoneBoilingMMV.
YAY! I'm glad the heat worked, and I am SO keeping that in mind.
Hair report - not quite the screaming cherry red I was aiming for, but I AM very pleased with it. It's more a shrieking merlot-served-on-sunny-patio. It will look red but reputable in a medium-lit shot, and will blaze like fire in the sun.
That, a salt rub and a brow wax and I feel like a girl again. (Whatever that is, gender blahdy -- I FEEL PRETTY!)
Oh, and I saw a Deborah Lippmann nail polish line in my Beauty Brands and there was this utterly awesome opalescent purple-lavender-light turquoise.
Whatever Lola Wants [link]
(yeah, made with Kelly Ripa, I KNOW, but if I hadn't been chanting "Budget budget wait for nail polish box, bitchface" it would have been MINE. So pretty on!
I simmer stock for 4 hours, Sox, but I think I am an outlier (and I like my chicken broth as rich and gelatinous as possible).
Ombre nail polish! [link]
Paging Jilli... [link]
I've kept eggs unrefrigerated for weeks and lived to tell the tale. They were very fresh eggs.
When I first started dating Tom I noticed that he kept his eggs (from the supermarket) in the cabinet. I asked him to start keeping them in the fridge, which he did, but I don't think he ever had any adverse reactions from it. I think it might have been a British thing? I don't know.
When I visited Ireland several years ago, supermarkets kept eggs on the shelves, not in the fridge.
Ok, I simmered it for a couple of hours - everything fell apart when I strained the broth out, and it smells awesome. We had chicken for dinner and I couldn't see letting the bones go without making broth, even though it's late.
Thank you for the tips - I'm going to let it simmer longer next time, as I trend toward outlier.
Canadians (of my mom's generation at least) keep butter on the shelf in the cupboard. Not eggs though, so far as I've noticed.
Fresh, well-handled eggs can keep at room temperature for a long time. It's the dubious health practices of the factory farming industry that make refrigerating them a requirement, not anything inherent in the eggs themselves.When I finally get my chicken coop, I will have awesome, fresh eggs that I will keep on the counter.
yeah, what juliana said.
Y'all! I finished my cover letter and resume tweaking, and am going to send it off tomorrow morning. YAYES.
Also, I am still not itchy. This has changed my life, I am not kidding! Totally trying it on mosquito bites the next time I get any. Which will likely be tomorrow.