I spent the day with Will today, or part of it. We went exploring, drove down a country road and ran into the Canadian border.
The trip started with Will saying "There's this antique store I've been by I want to go in." And so we went. It's a large, 20 room, four story (I think it's four story) pink house.
And the only way to describe it is like someone from Hoarders (who doesn't have issues with trash and food). It is seriously packed. There was 1 room of books I couldn't get to because of the foot wide barrier of stuff between it. Another closet had kitchen stuff piled up and falling over about chest high.
The owner said it was 60 years of collecting on sale and I believe it. It's overwhelming and amazing and just. There were other people there who'd never been before and everyone was a little overwhelmed.
askye, I forget where you said Will lives, but some time you two should go check out the Bread and Puppet "museum". It's in Glover.
He's in Addison County but we've driven all over the state, except the NE Kingdom, that's still on our list of places to go. I'll add the Bread and Puppet to the list of places to visit.
I saw The Alchemist was voted Best Brewpub Outside Chitteden County! So congrats to them. We haven't been back but I really want to because we've had a run of mediocre to bad dining experiences and The Alchemist has been one of the highlights.
And about the Russian? They are badass ballroom dancers,
It's part of the general school curriculum there, much like phys ed is here. They even scout kids to see if they have the chops to make it as pros.
Plus, hot ballroom dancer bodies, as I can attest from in person study this weekend.
I saw The Alchemist was voted Best Brewpub Outside Chitteden County!
So congrats to them. We haven't been back but I really want to because we've had a run of mediocre to bad dining experiences and The Alchemist has been one of the highlights.
Their cannery should be opening in September, I think, so beer lovers can buy Alchemist beer in cans and take it home. I am so fucking proud of him.
Of course, I'm also a smart-ass big sister. Today is my brother and sister-in-law's wedding anniversary, so I sent him this e-card: [link]
I regret nothing.
I need a recipe for gluten-free naan.
If it could be gluten-free *and* carb-free, the world would probably implode from the sheer perfection.
Will's birthday is in September.
That's a great card!
I've had pulled pork sandwiches at a few different places up here, including a bbq place and the Alchemist was the best.
If it could be gluten-free *and* carb-free, the world would probably implode from the sheer perfection.
If anyone ever finds this, I will pay tall dollars.
Laga, I'll have to get a winter/tomatillo link from you. I'm an instant convert.
In addition to the chicken chili, I dove into the fridge to cook all the things.
I've been standing and stewing and washing for hours. My fingers are pruney.
The sum: highly seasoned collards with beans and a bit of chard that wanted cooking...grated beets/diakon/ginger/cilantro/carrots salad to be dressed at a later date...gazpacho with cucumber/cilantro/peppers/jalepeno/worchester.
Also, a huge tupperware container with chopped watermelon for easy snacking...by the gallon.
A neighbor just had a baby...I'll take their toddler his own bowl of watermelon tomorrow.
Phew. I'm cooked. (see what I did there..yeah, I'm punchy.)
G'night all.
Okay, I just injured myself a lot while bathing my dog. Please pass the bubble wrap.