It is tough to watch him driving steadily toward the cliff, but he is only going to learn his lessons on his own.
Oh, Laura. This just sucks for everyone. I'm sorry.
Maria, I'm just glad that this place can help you in any small way. I hope you can accept the gift without worrying about your worthiness for it.
Still home with the bronchitis etc. Cleaning lady is here, which is slightly unsettling. First cleaning lady we've had down here, it was a Living Social deal. Maybe we can eventually get someone in a couple times a month.
Ick, feel better, Nora.
I would give up a bunch of things before the cleaning lady. I can deal with keeping up the day to day, but the floors and dusting would never happen. Only so many hours in the day. Of course since I am up north for summer there is no cleaning other than me and Bobby. We are ripping out ceilings and insulation and brick chimneys, etc., so added construction dust. Whee! I enjoy the projects, but it sure is dirty work.
Maria, what everyone else said. I would be upset if you didn't come here for support with all the stuff you have going on.
Hil, feel better and good luck getting through your day. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain.
{{{Laura}}} I'm sorry. I hope your son can get it together soon rather than later.
I have several phone calls that I really should make today that I really don't want to make.
Laura, I have watched people I love go through that driving off the cliff stage in their lives and it is so hard. I'm sorry this is so hard for all of you.
Thanks. I believe that he has the tools to make good decisions and do believe he will when he has learned his own lessons. It would be nice if we could learn from each others experiences, but we have to walk the path on our own. I am satisfied for now that we can communicate regularly on stuff that isn't sensitive. Sports, weather, we can talk about these things together so I get to know he is ok.
Normally, I am Talky Pants, but a summer cold started last night, and I feel like hammered shit, so I'm just going to give a big-ass LOVE to Maria, Barb and Laura, and go clutch my box of Kleenex to my chest.
Just have to stay awake until D gets home, then I can crawl back in bed and die.
OK, I managed to get dressed, and I got the TENS wires bundled up so that they're not dangling. Next step, get to the garage to get my cane or crutches from the car, and then, get lunch. Then go to at least one panel session -- there are a few that I want to go to, but the first is the most important, so I'll do that one and then see how I'm feeling.
We're kinda like Hotel California, only not as creepy, and with less stellar guitar work.
But we have theremin solos!